Flashlight Story Collection


Jul 26, 2009
Tell us your flashlight stories...

I'm fond of reading Actual usage of flashlights in this forum and I want to know more.
My most noted use of my lights: both happened on Sep2009.

During a mountain hiking trip where in after 5 hours of trekking in the rain we got lost and its getting really dark. At that time we are at a top of a lost trail which is quite slippery, Thank God I brought 5 led lights which I lend to my friends since its almost survival situation for all of us(8). Used the lights in going down to find any spot to pitch a tent. In me is my Philips metaflash luxeon light (this is my brightest light at that time at about 80 lumens max).

When A super typhoon hit us having a blackout for 5 days. Used my Romisen RC-G2, Solarforce L2 2xAA, Philips metaflash and some cheap lights. Good thing I have a lot of rechargeable AA/AAA batteries and a battery operated Mobile phone charger. I just wish I already have a multi mode light during that time for longer runtime in low and spoting on high. My brightest Light at during the blackout is the Solarforce.

Flashlight additions:
Cree Headlamps
Multi mode lights
and about 50 more lights:whistle:

Now I'm more prepared with new lights to use when the time comes.:twothumbs


Newly Enlightened
Aug 18, 2010
Hi carrot ,good job :thumbsup:.This thread is very interesting and helpful,thanks for you job.i just posted a thread about "when you carzy for led flashlight "a few days ago.Maybe you can choose some good stories from there to this thread :).




Dec 6, 2005
New York City
We lost a few threads due to the great server crash of 2011 but I did manage to save the story collection's updates from last month.

Here are the stories recently added:

Shanghai - Funny Experience
Just wanted to share my story...
Two flashlight stories
Small flashaholic moments like these...
Key chain flashlight saved my dentist's life
NiteCore D10 & SF 6P w/ M60 shine during Emergency situation!
Glad I had three lights on me the other night
Oh TK40, why did I forsake you?
Pilot's LED flashlight saves lives from sinking plane.
Inside a 7-11 this morning:
Finally! Had a need for the EDC
Had an out of the ordinary (for me) flashlight experience tonight
Power outages, bad weather, some thoughts...
A holiday in Cam...Vietnam
Aloha.......a flashlight story
Surefire 6PD Attacks... Me
225 Lumens of BUSTED!!!!
Quick story about the wife.
Photon-fest @ 37,000'
"Memorable" Desert Incident
I'm a sad man
Malkoff saves the day: Lighting up the world's longest pedestrian bridge
Thought this might be a story worth sharing..
Small town cops, gotta love em
Quark Mini 123 saved the party
HDS high CRI clicky saved us
They laughed, until.......
First Light Experience Post
My Stories
Taint no justice in this world...(Light Story)
Owned some kids last night!
My SF E1L vs. garbage disposal!!
Neighbor's baby ate my tailcap
Treasures of the Deep! A Quarky Story.
Terrorized some terrorists with my Maelstrom the other night
Conversions...I have 3 and counting, how about you?
Qmini 123 Ruined it!!!
The Day I EDC'd a Monster
Power outage in restaurant last night
Now.....THIS is why I joined CPF!!!! "LED Flashlight geeks" rejoice!
Good use for incans
M3 fends off uninvited guest late at night
In praise of fenix
Amusing story involving my Wife, The Army, and Zebralight
The Story of John the Flashaholic - with pictures
Finally spoke with someone who knows something!


Newly Enlightened
Mar 16, 2010
first of all I love this thread and I thought it could use a bump so I thought I would share my flashlight story not nearly as great as some that others have told . so about a year ago our area was hit by a tornado and while it was not really bad and did not hurt anyone thank God but it did knock out power and internet for a long time and no one around here had any decent light except me and my brother who I have got him started on good lights so when it got dark that night we used my quark for room lighting bounced off the ceiling and I used my hds light to carry around and survey the damage and to help a friend get his car out around all the downed trees .so all the lights came in really handy and needless to say we where very popular that night so it was a good thing that I have such a big collection so I could loan out a few and still have mine . that should help with all the why do you need so many lights comments lol I have not gotten nearly as many since then . so just thought I would share that so who is next I love reading these :)


Newly Enlightened
Jul 14, 2011
Toronto, ON, Canada
Re: *NEW* Flashlight Stories - Chicken Soup for the Obsessed Flashaholic's Soul

What a useful and entertaining wealth of information/stories. It's taken me a few months, but I managed to read through ALL of it. Thanks for all your hard work carrot.


Newly Enlightened
Feb 25, 2009
San Francisco, CA USA
Re: *NEW* Flashlight Stories - Chicken Soup for the Obsessed Flashaholic's Soul

I also read through all of it, and enjoyed the wide range of stories, from serious, humorous, to educational.

I have a couple quick stories to share.

While walking out to the parking lot after work I see a semi at the outbound gate waiting for the security guard there to get his paperwork. This is actually a secondary outbound gate they just added recently. The guard was sitting in his chair not moving. The driver gave a couple of light taps from his horn, and still no reaction from the guard(the guard is about 15 feet from the semi). At this point I figured the guard must've dozed off because there'll be long stretches with no trucks leaving, and he's by himself with no one around. This was around 11:30pm on a cold windy night. As my co-workers and I got closer, the driver gave another couple honks, and still no reaction.

When we got close to the guard(we were coming up from behind him) my co-worker pulled out one of those 9 led lights that our work place gave us as "recognition", and shine it around the guard's feet. No reaction. The driver honked for the third time. No reaction. The semi driver by this time have a big grin on his face, as he realized by now the guard dozed off. As a last ditched effort, I pulled out my UC40 UE and strobed the water barrier/ground around the guard(I know not to strobe directly at somebody). You guessed it, no reaction. So my co-workers and I chuckled all the way to the main guard shack, told the guards there that their buddy is asleep. One of them went to wake him up. As we left we can see the semi is still sitting there waiting. Now whenever we leave the guards always ask us if the guy is awake. He's pretty lucky because if the security supervisor walked by, I am sure he would've gotten the boot.

This is the other story. Summertime means teenagers with nothing better to do. Some of them wandered into my apartment complex courtyard and decided it was a good idea to have loud conversations about booze and crap at 2am, on a weeknight. I work the evening/night shift so I don't go to sleep till five or six in the morning but I know my neighbors are asleep. Went outside with the RC40, aimed down toward the courtyard(I am four stories up) turned on the strobe, heard frightened/nervous whispers, then scattering footsteps, followed by silence. Back to watching Numb3rs reruns.

Thanks for reading.


Aug 27, 2006
Re: *NEW* Flashlight Stories - Chicken Soup for the Obsessed Flashaholic's Soul

That security guard should have been fired. I work nights as well. Currently up due to obnoxious new downstairs neighbors who hired a crew to come in during fricking Saturday to do construction work on their apartment. I live in a CO-OP and a member of the Board already warned the crew about doing construction other than at approved times during the week. Weekend being strictly off limits. But Board members lack the power to kick contractors out. Okay, happens again; I'll just contact Immigration. As for the neighbors, if I don't get to sleep in my apartment.... they're not sleeping in theirs' when they finally move in. They have no clue what they're in for.

I work with one security guard 3 days out of the week who is alert and reliable. The other one is a young woman who screwed up her Life and now has more responsibilities than one person can handle. She's like a zombie when she comes in. Half the time not even bothering to even comb her hair. So now I have to do my job as well as look out for her so she doesn't get caught sleeping by the Field Supervisors, residents of the dorms, or the ever-seeing cameras mounted all over the place. Honestly, baby-sitting sure as Hell wasn't part of the job description.

As hours get cut from everyone not assigned to the dorms, I was fortunate to get assigned there because one of the regular guards put there kept stupidly falling asleep at the front desk with his head back and mouth wide open. First time, he got a warning. Second time, they fired his butt. No cameras in the locker room. But once again, too damn stupid to take a break and doze off there with the alarm set on his cellphone. So now the client gets upset at him, and the rest of us. With the contract up to expire soon, wouldn't surprise me if the client went to a different security company. Sometimes the company just hires the old guards to work for them instead.... Sometimes everyone gets fired.

All because of one or two morons who apparently can't find enough hours in the day to sleep. You can't even call that laziness.
Last edited:


Dec 16, 2007
Bump for an awesome thread. Please post links to good story threads posted since this was last updated. We can get some added to the OP to keep this one fresh and fun!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 5, 2005
Central USA
Re: *NEW* Flashlight Stories - Chicken Soup for the Obsessed Flashaholic's Soul

Just had an interesting encounter outside a few minutes ago. I went out to shut off the water running on my cucumbers. My motion light on the back porch didn't come on because it's still so hot out it can't discern between the ambient temp and a warm body. I have a light on my garage that shines on the garden so it was no big deal that the motion light didn't come on.

Here is the view off my back porch with the motion lights on. The garden is on the other side of my company vehicle and you can see the light on the garage shining on the garden.


I walked over to the garden to turn off the valve by the garden fence and then headed back towards the house to turn off the water there. It's pretty dark where the shut-off is on the house so I already had my EDC light, the Zebralight SC62w out to use it to navigate. I heard some rustling sound but didn't have my light on yet and caught a glimpse of something running by a couple feet in front of me (just about had a heart attack). Of course I immediately turned on my light to max which is super BRIGHT to see what it was, thinking it was probably a cat. Nope. Two young raccoons were milling about my back yard! I live right in the middle of a town of about 45,000 and didn't expect that. Kept my light on the one that was heading to where I was going to turn off the water and he ran up a tree. I came back towards the back porch keeping an eye on the tree and he went running by me to join his sibling (sneaky little sucker!).

I came in the house and grabbed this...


...to go out and investigate a little more (easily will shine a half a block with laser-like precision on low) but didn't see them any where. Lots of trees around so I'm guessing they headed up another one somewhere. Sure was glad I had my EDC light handy on me or I might have actually had a heart attack!


Apr 10, 2006
Re: *NEW* Flashlight Stories - Chicken Soup for the Obsessed Flashaholic's Soul

Nothing more in the past 4 YEARS ? ? ?

