EV charging cables cut by copper "recyclers"


Aug 27, 2006

My panels are not on my roof.
Even if they tried to do this; how would one determine the amount of tax?
how much sunlight per year, how often it's used, efficiency, total panel wattage, voltage..
my gear is completely manual

you see, it could become really silly & I'm not worried about it.
How would they determine it? They'd come up with an arbitrary number that would benefit them but not put enough of a hardship on you that you'd refuse to pay or possibly contact an attorney. Just enough that most folks will decide it's less of a headache to just pay the darn bill. And of course they'll make it easy to pay. Lots of payment options. Very convenient. Maybe even a monthly payment plan. All to get you and others to cooperate. It's been done before. Not with solar, but the blue-print for charging for free energy already exists.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2007
Where are they? in your basement? lol.

Just so you wouldn't lose any sleep, they're on a south facing hillside 📔📔


Newly Enlightened
Mar 14, 2015
That's why you store from sunny times and use later, by storing in batteries. The ones in your car or house batteries.This example is a way of explaining it in flashlight terms. I have a solar light.($10 )A sort of automatic flashlight over my garage. Not grid tied. It faces West Southwest. It has gone years illuminating the front of my house providing light for passersby and deterrent for thieves. Cost ten bucks. It runs on solar energy. Never failed no matter how many people walked by. This technology can be scaled to any size, from micro watts to gigawatts. Device, solar panel, and battery. A sort of of perpetual motion for real, which doesn't break the laws of physics. Using this principle the engineering students at Eindhoven have built a succession of solar vehicles of which, in conjunction with full sun have achieved a 1,200 mile range. This record breaking 5 passenger car with a trunk can be seen here along with it's predecessors and an RV and off-road vehicle. solarteameindhoven.nl
I also have solar walkway lights and motion lights that store electricity in a battery. They are entirely dependent on the sun and not always dependable. No or little sun = no or little light at night. Charging an EV with solar is a whole different story. If you think you're going to do that, you need a huge amount of time, and uninterrupted sun and lots of it to charge those massive batteries. Or do you actually think you're going to attach solar panels to the car and charge while driving? Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha. Maybe on a tiny single passenger, impractical vehicle the size of a skateboard, lol.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 14, 2015


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA
We live in a fairly sunny locale. All of our electricity is solar (no grid power); After a few cloudy days, we don't do laundry or stream movies on the big screen. Keeping track of the weather forecast is helpful. We do not squander power like a lot of people. Summer air conditioning is handled with fans.

Major chunk of money to go electric vehicle though; not practical at this point.


Aug 27, 2006
We live in a fairly sunny locale. All of our electricity is solar (no grid power); After a few cloudy days, we don't do laundry or stream movies on the big screen. Keeping track of the weather forecast is helpful. We do not squander power like a lot of people. Summer air conditioning is handled with fans.

Major chunk of money to go electric vehicle though; not practical at this point.
NYC Winters can be at times surprisingly brutal. But NYC Summers are always brutal! Complete with plenty of humidity tossed in. Seriously, in my neck of the woods, air-conditioners in the Summer become a necessity. Along the same lines as food and water. Cheapest A/C units are about $150.oo and good enough for a small studio apartment or a small bedroom in a house. Usually good for a handful of years and well worth it.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
Yea, no fan will handle NYC summer heat. when it is 90+ it feels like 120 due to humidity. You absolutely need an AC in NYC. Idk what AC you can get for 150, probably 5000btu no name form a cheap department store, those AC will not last more than a season usually. But i doubt with recent prices you can get even that now.
Not to mention when AC capacity is calculated, it is based on dropping the temperature, in a certain volume, but high humidity makes those calculations inadequate, you need more Ac capacity to fight high humidity, 5000btu is maybe good for a tiny room the size of a walk in closet, anything less than 8000btu will not do a good job in any room in nyc, especially in old buildings with 9+ft ceilings


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
im planing on modding my refridadter lol spell check has no idea what im going for i mean the thing that keeps ya food cold. but i want to add some tubing between its condenser coil then i wanna use the coil to heat water for my home


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005